Sunday, March 20, 2011

U.S. Involvement in Libya - Illegal, Immoral, Unaffordable

We do our best to focus our commentary on economics and those issues that directly affect the economy and investing.  However, there are times when the seriousness of the issue warrants getting off subject and commenting on the events at hand.  The U.S. involvement in the Libyan crisis is one of those subjects that must be addressed.

American Cemetery at NormandyFirst let us stick to the economic side of the story and discuss why, economically speaking, we should not be getting involved in Libya.  We are broke!  We should not be going out and trying to save others when we need to be focusing on saving ourselves.  Thanks to the earthquake in Japan, the Fed will now be purchasing the majority of new U.S. debt that is brought to market!  We are buying the majority of our own debt, which for decades has been the ultimate measure of a failing system.  We are on our last legs, and need to be slashing our federal spending across the board if we are going to avoid a fiscal disaster.  If we faced a real threat to our national security that required a full scale war to defend, we would not be able to afford to fight!  Literally, we could not fund a real war as it stands right now.

Churning dustSecond, we have absolutely no moral authority to get involved in Libya.  Show me what document gives us the power to intervene throughout the world as the single voice for keeping the peace.  Please don't tell me about the United Nations, NATO, or the coalition, because everyone knows the U.S. calls all the shots.  The world knows this and will hold us accountable for whatever comes as a result of our involvement in Libya, we all know that to be certain.  We are brainwashed into the thought process that if people are dying in Libya, and we have the means and power to stop it, then we must act.  We are told that standing by on the sidelines and watching would be wrong and immoral.   Folks, this is hypocrisy!  People are dying all of the world under tyranny and oppression, and we rarely get involved.  Just look at what is happening deep in the heart of Africa for example.  We allow it to happen when we do not have a vested interest in the situation.  However when we do have a stake in the game, we play the "moral obligation" card.

This is wrong and is nothing but propaganda.  We are not God, and our "God Complex" is something that is eventually going to lead to a disaster.  Libya is a sovereign nation that has the right to handle its own problems.   It is understandable that the human race should not stand by and let gross atrocities occur when they are being committed in plain site.  However, this is not the case in Libya today, so our involvement is extremely premature at this point.  We cannot even convince any other significant Arab country to get involved, which is another reason we should stay out.

Birth of AmericaFinally, we are a nation that prides itself on the will of the people.  Yet somehow that has completely gotten away from us, and we allow our President to have the authority to send our troops and military into action without any checks and balances from the Congress!!   This is how dictatorships are run, folks.  A few men make a decision that has nothing at all to do with the will of the people.  We should not allow this to go on!  We are not in any immediate threat from Libya here in the U.S.   This is not an emergency situations that requires the Commander in Chief to have special authority to act quickly.  Congress should be required to vote on this type of involvement before any actions take place.  What have we become???  We are a very aggressive nation that is now fighting three wars at once!!  We need to look in the mirror and be honest with ourselves about who we are today as a country.  We are not a peaceful nation.  We are a nation that wages wars against those that act against our interests anywhere in the world.  We are an empire!  Do we really want to live in the Empire of America?

Tags: United States, Libya, Military Action, War, U.S., Commentary, Opinion, Illegal, Immoral, Unethical, Economic Impact, U.S. Deficit

1 comment:

  1. People are not dying by the bus loads in Libya... The was no massacre... There is no genocide. The Libyans are working within their laws to suppress an armed rebellion that is supported by foreign vultures who should be in the hague standing trial. The only people using heavy weapons and killing with impunity are these vultures who have no regard for international laws.
